This anthology was created to commemorate the 75th anniversary of United Nations Peacekeeping and stands as a tribute to all Canadian Peacekeepers—Military, Police, and Civilian—who have dedicated themselves to the cause of global peace. It is especially dedicated to the 140 individuals who lost their lives in service during Peacekeeping missions.

Originally envisioned as a print publication in 2023, the anthology has evolved into the PK75 website, where its stories have continued to grow and flourish. The website includes the complete collection of stories from the original anthology and serves as a living project, expanding with new contributions that reflect the enduring spirit of Peacekeeping.

Although this print edition is no longer being updated, it remains preserved here as a testament to the legacy of its contributors and the significance of the project. We honour the stories shared within these pages and the sacrifices they represent.

Version 2.3 || 6 Nov 2023


Thank you to all those who contributed to the PK75: Stories of Canadian Peacekeepers project.

Canadian Peacekeeping Veterans Association acknowledges the financial support provided by Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) through the Commemorative Partnership Program, as well as the financial support of the Royal Alberta United Services Institute (RAUSI).

Gov of Canada


The Editor expresses his gratitude for advice and guidance received from Rob Walker, Ray Kokkonen, George Somerwill, Joseph Howard, Timothy Mitchell, Harold Skaarup, and many others who gave so generously of their time.

PK75 artwork
Artwork by the renowned artist, Silvia Pecota.
 Editor:   Gregory Mitchell
 Research:  Emily Frank
 Translation:  Stella Leblanc
 Design and layout:  Donald Macpherson and Angela Craig
 Website:  Angela Craig
 Logo:  Artist Silvia Pecota
FaLang translation system by Faboba

Featured Mission

The following missions are featured by Peacekeepers in their personal anecdotes of the Anthology.